Welcome to the Rainbow Lotus crystals, concoctions and creations community

Welcome to the Rainbow Lotus crystals, concoctions and creations community

Merry meet!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my little shop and read this blog. As today marks the new moon, it is a wonderful time for new beginnings, hence my new blog!

My name is Tracy and I am the founder of the Rainbow Lotus CCC. If you are reading this it might mean that you, like me have always been drawn to magic. Maybe as a child you collected rocks, feathers, rusty old keys and shells? Did you make muddy "potions" and wands out of sticks and love to look at the stars and the moon? Maybe animals felt drawn to you or maybe you found you were just a little "different" to your childhood friends?

Well this is the space for you. 

So how did I know I was a witch? Funnily enough it took me a long time to realise that what I was doing, based on family practises and from pure instinct were based in the practice. I have always preferred being outside in a forest or by the ocean. I love crystals of all shapes and sizes and can often feel their energy around me. I have great instincts which (when I listen to them) help me read others, and I have been practising the art of divination since the late 80s.  This is just to name a few of the clues to my being a witch.

A witch is also a healer and often empathic. I have found that by learning more about the art of witchcraft I have been able to help others whilst also ensuring that I protect my own energy and wellbeing. Something that can be easily depleted when giving of yourself to others. 

I have been a witch in the closet for quite a while now and that was ok. It meant that I could enjoy my practise without the judgement of others, well meaning or not. I still find that of my work is private and is part of my own healing and that is ok. As I poke my head out of the closet and begin to share my knowledge I try to follow a creed which can keep my values clear. You may wish to create some for yourself or use mine as a starting point. I would love to hear what other witches use as their guidance.

My Witches Oath

I am always learning and practising the craft- continue to learn through regular practise. To practise is not all or nothing it is all or something each day. Keep an open mind and learn from those who came before you through their words and shared experiences.

I seek to know myself- take time to reflect and learn what makes us unique. Use self-awareness to learn to love and respect for yourself.

I use my knowledge with wisdom and kindness- ensure that what you practise only brings good to the world around you or ensures your protection. When conducting rituals be mindful of the words you use as they come with vibrations that program us and, be careful what you wish for so as you do not end up with undesirable results.

I  live by my values and align my goals with these- it is easy to get stuck on goal achievement and feel deflated when these do not come to fruition or are achieved but do not bring joy or satisfaction. Consider what your values are in life and ensure that your goals align.

I will be kind to my mind and my body- take time to rest, take time to breath, take time for meditation. take time for self-care, take time for movement and take time to feed your body with nutritious food. Learn the power of boundaries and work this into your practise.

Celebrate something each day and honour the gods and goddesses I work with-  reflect on each day, no matter how difficult it was and find something to celebrate. Learn about the gods and goddesses of Magick and how they align with the cycles of the earth. Honour them in your practice and honour the seasons and their impact on our life.

I look forward to sharing more knowledge of the craft through this blog. If there is anything you would like to share, please comment below.

Blessed Be.





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