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Rainbow Lotus crystals, concoctions & creations

Optimistic Orange Calcite tumble stones

Optimistic Orange Calcite tumble stones

Regular price $8.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 AUD
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Enhance your creativity and open-mindedness with our cheerful Orange Calcite tumble stones! Known for its loving energies, it can help you connect deeply with yourself and others. It inspires new ideas and boosts creativity for artists and writers. Plus, it activates the root chakra for stability and assists with career goals.

Boost your mood, energy, and confidence with Orange Calcite! This crystal uplifts emotions, increases physical energy, and enhances self-confidence. Reignite your passion and creativity, while forming deeper connections with loved ones. Perfect for managing mood and fatigue.

Each stone is approximately 2-3cm and will be Intuitively chosen and cleansed prior to purchase. Your crystal will come with information regarding its spiritual qualities as well as a small handbook on crystals, cleansing and their uses in magick.

Please note that this item comes with free shipping within Australia.


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