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Rainbow Lotus crystals, concoctions & creations

Mesmerising Mookaite tumble stones

Mesmerising Mookaite tumble stones

Regular price $8.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 AUD
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Experience nurturing and peace with marvellous Mookaite tumble stones. These stones support and sustain during stressful times, aid in decision making, and encourage versatility. They also provide emotional growth and protect against negative influences. Energize yourself with new ideas and bring kindness to yourself and others.

Each stone is approximately 2-3cm and will be Intuitively chosen and cleansed prior to purchase. Your crystal will come with information regarding its spiritual qualities as well as a small handbook on crystals, cleansing and their uses in magick.

Please note that this item comes with free shipping within Australia.


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